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Email is our preferred initial communication mode. To explore how Bankable Engineering can put "paid" to your green marine shipping / ship building / technology project, please write,
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Ship design, construction, finance, operation are multi- / interdisciplinary. We partner professionally and geographically. Partners Portal is reciprocal, non-exclusive, no-fee, no obligation. Projects require capital providers from traditional to frontier, all structures, all products including mezzanine and leasing. To enquire:
IBMSDS (Industrial Bulk Marine Shipping Development System), SHIPS (Shipping Investment Planning System), Greenlease and other specialist tools enable naval architects, shipyards, ship owners, emerging maritime communities to lead new ship design and profitable project development, respectively. Request a demonstration:
If your venture contemplates a U.S. shares listing or you are a maritime institutional investor or US accredited investor, AAME (All American Maritime Equities) live quotes will help inform decisions. Quotes request must include name, affiliation, phone, citizenship. Attn. USA citizens ... Please request quotes only if you are an accredited investor, else write.
We irregularly report new initiatives, tools, designs, articles, lectures, seminars, workshops, etc. To receive TT/SS News, please send email to:
Our head office is located in Brooklyn (Park Slope) New York, USA. Deliveries address by request. Visitors welcome by appointment.
ALL communications to / from TransTech / ShipShares LLC are confidential. We respect your in box and do not redistribute em addresses.

Whether embarking a maiden voyage in marine shipping / shipbuilding / technology or, like Odysseus, seeking the way back, your cause is just and
TransTech / ShipShares LLC can assist. Always, we wish all who go down to the sea in ships Good Luck and Godspeed and blessings to those who enable.
TransTech / ShipShares LLC thank you for visiting. Comments and suggestions to improve this site are welcome.